City Lighthouse Groups

City Lighthouse Groups are church family gatherings that help to encourage, support, and strengthen each other in prayer, study of the Word, and relationships. We believe in the power of community, and that is what City Lighthouse Groups is!

Dunning Neighborhood

Dunning Neighborhood


Portage Park Neighborhood

Portage Park Neighborhood

Elmwood Park Area

Streamwood, IL Area


Our Locations

What are people saying about City Lighthouse Groups?


We are so happy that you have decided to visit Maranatha The House of God. Attending a new church can be a bit overwhelming at times, so we want to make sure that you feel right at home. We have compiled a list of what to expect when you join us for a church service. See you soon!

Our church service is approximately 1.5 hours long.

Dress casual or your Sunday best.

Click here for a sample of our music.

We have an incredible kids program called MKidz for ages Infant to 12 years of age. Click here to find out more about our children’s ministry.

Children from 6th to 8th grade can participate and enjoy our Next Gen ministry program!  We understand the importance of having specific activities dedicated to this tender age that transitions children from childhood to adolescence.

Yes.  Our gifted Youth on Fire team leaders provide a welcoming environment every Friday night where teens can establish new friendships and experience God’s love in a tangible way. Click here for more information on Youth on Fire.

Yes!  Our friendly parking lot attendants will be readily available to provide you with instructions on where to park.

Give yourself a 15-minute window to park, check in your child into our MKidz ministry program, and find a good seat in the sanctuary.

A monetary offering is not required.  Our desire is that everyone give freely and cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:7).  We give because we believe that every blessing comes from God.

Maranatha News

Noticias Maranatha

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Gracias por su interés en suscribirse a Noticias Maranatha!
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Favor de completar este formulario para recibir nuestras actualizaciones semanales sobre las actividades y eventos de nuestra iglesia.
Be blessed!
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